I found the template here www.lovebugscrapbooking.com and absolutely fell in love with them. I made some for my sister-in-law's baby shower in Feb. and they were a hit (I made the baby boy shoes, I was handing out the template left and right. so you can imagine how I felt when I saw them in the new 2011 Stampin' Up! catalog (found on page 78). They are so easy! This is how i made them.
I am such a dork, I did the pictures backwards. If you know me, that's just me sometimes. lol.
If you look down below to the very bottom picture, you'll see I took two templates, cut them out and attached them to one sheet of 81/2 x 11 type paper then ran them through my copier on a trimmed down 81/2 x 11 sheet of designer paper. Cut out or you can trace them onto paper them cut out.
That gives you two left feet and this is where the ribbon comes in. You put your ribbons on the "strap" part of the shoe and make bows or paper flowers (or whatever you want to) on the opposite sides of the shoe so it gives you a left and a right. They are so addicting to make because the payoff is so worth it.
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